had a bad day today. sorry to hurt you...really sorry.... cried like one pathetic piece of shit. i didnt mean you were neglecting me or anything. i jus couldn't take your self-centeredness and ego. I had a real good time@6:53 PM
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
interesting day at school today. the drama instructor is so funny. hehes. enjoyed el today. thanks maddie.what you told me made me think a lot. i oughtta take more initiative to understand them more.yea.
the instructor's name was ****. it struck me like...so damn hard. so i burst out laughing. -.- haiz. i duno I had a real good time@6:33 PM
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
OM spontaneous was such a brain-killer. the team isn't doing very well, but i THINK it's slightly better off than last year's pathetic team.went home half dead with a really bad flu. then had tuition but my nice tuition teacher decided to let me off early after seeing my CMI state. oh well, then for the past two days sis has been driving me to and fro school. it's slightly scary but i think i'll get used to it in time to come. (just admit it, im lazy, i'd rather get scared than travel home myself, hey, on a brighter side, treat it as me saving transport fees.) maddie commented that it was scary. hehes. i shall reserve my comments. (kidding) thanks sis. just received an email from dad who is currently in thailand. XD Mr eric tan's "artist's impression" of a chicken soup set the entire class laughing. physics was fun yesterday. and thank goodness we didn't get Mr See as our new chemistry teacher. i'll die like bertina. hehes. i wanna do TYS this weekend. im getting addicted to it. i like it. im a masochist? maybe. haha. but it's a miracle for me to actually fall in love with doing assessment. yea, you guys can go bang your head against the wall. sunblock lotions. i'm traumatised by guys who use them. -.- i don't exactly know how's the situation going. slowly talking to you bahs. Byebye!!! oh, did i mention im totally in love with alvin's blogskin? hope i'll be able to lead the omers well.
I had a real good time@6:32 PM
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Monday, March 27, 2006
to all who are currently lost, confused, or stuck in a midst of a relationship problem, be it friendship or relationship, just wanna tell you guys that how stuck we are, life still goes on. so move on, yea?
to captain: i believe you can overcome yourself. you won't fall. all things come, all things go. just know it brought you wonderful memories. im moving on, i hope you will too, and you can. jiayou.
to lyn: yea, maybe im being too mean. but i couldn't exactly stand it. i mean, this is definitely not the first time. it's just the point which led me to simply, explode. maybe it was my fault i was too angry i point out his self-centeredness out to him when he was doing so. then again, he did apologise. i don't exactly know. then again i don't wish to end this friendship just like that. perhaps i shall just wait till im cooled down or something before returning to being on better terms with him again. thanks for helping me out with the lost friendship the previous time. i learnt a lot.
to madeline: then again, thanks a lot for letting me pour out my troubles. =]
to eugene: thanks for lending me a listening ear, a good chat ,advice which made me reflect quite a lot. i hope to believe in myself too. and i will, in time to come. i can do it.
and then i tell myself, it's time i talk to you again. and then i start to worry again. ORD is nearing. what's gonna happen if i take over her? can i lead well? will i? what if i dont? and end up being disliked like how she is now? she used to be nice. but she changed. what if i change too? hopefully i'll be mindful enough to be aware of my own changes to change for the better and be a good leader of EDR. I had a real good time@5:58 PM
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
fellow SBMYians have gone to publicise camp today!! hope everything has gone well and smooth for them. people, all the best and jiayou.
let's see...today...finally had a good rest and woke at 1pm after the entire tiring week. woke up with a blocked nose. then now im sneezing away like some crazy idiot. sometimes it really makes me wonder, how one quiet guy and another even quieter guy become really good friends. same goes for how one guy who is so uncaring and egoistic become such good friends with another who's so nice and caring and easygoing and not egoistic.
no idea why but the chat [no, make it two chats] yesterday made me think and think and think and think and think that i've lost track of what i've exactly been thinking about. but i somehow realised i've been clinging far too much on the emotions of the past. people change. things change. situations change. yet i always choose to angst and not move on. hopefully i can bring these memories and move on instead of standing there and crying.
thanks a lot maddie for trying to cheer me up, i hope things will get better with him too. but it's just somehow...tough.
it's part and parcel of life, girl, so...yea, learn from it and move on. okay? believe in yourself.
believe in myself...i can do it....yea...i can... I had a real good time@1:12 PM
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
had a relatively good day today. the NEQ was QUITE fun. but the sun was just so hot. then after that went down to downtown east. the sea water was like...Blech. but it felt so shiok playing on the beach in the rain. sat on the cliff thingy and thought about a lot of stuff that's happened in e past week. and had a good chat with eugene. so he told me to think positive. wonder why i managed to last time and im ending up in this state of angst right now. yea, i must believe in myself and try my best. =] very very tired, the losers lost like shit. hehes. i swear to start revising my chemistry tomorrow. I had a real good time@11:04 PM
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Friday, March 24, 2006
won't have uber enerrgy to blog tomorrow night i suppose, so i shall wish shixiong: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! first. today was very very tiring. the triple math period made me totally flop onto the desk. though i didnt sleep. then my hair rubber band snapped so i had to let my hair down. so weird. after that went shopping for the people's birthday gifts. i love mine. it's green. hehes. got the same one as char char. XD meanwhile i decided not to wait for ivan to fall out *fall in, so fall out? hehe* and went home straight. he should be enjoying his campfire i suppose. tomorrow gotta report to school at 7.45. ew. oh well... im looking forward to tomorrow!! -there's no weekend hw!!!- I had a real good time@8:15 PM
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
i am proud to announce: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAWN(IE)!! despite the fact that her birthday present is still un-bought.hehee. today was quite a fun day. was very high actually. after school planned to wait for maddie for her debate. and then ended up helping her team. it just felt so great to touch debating once again. though i wasn't part of the official speakers or debaters, it just felt so nice to be helping out with the scripts, thinking of the points, watching them with envy as they debate. how much i miss debating. oh well... haha, then maddie's team won. and i felt so happy... tomorrow's gonna buy the presents for all the people's birthday in my class. yay! I had a real good time@8:23 PM
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
i was browsing through sbm forums when i saw one of the messages that mentioned: it's 11 weeks to camp. and then i realised, subconciously eleven weeks of 2006 had already brushed past me like..so quickly. one entire term was like: woosh, gone. and then i started thinking: if it takes such a short time to past 11 weeks, my mid years are only a pathetic FOUR weeks away. oh my goodness. so here i am getting jumpy and nervous and scared and worried and stressed. yea, i worry far too much. but i still think i oughtta start studying. it's one month and three days to exams. on the positive side, it's one month and three days to my birthday. on a even brighter side, it's ONE DAY, no, make it nine hours to dawn's birthday!! yay!! unfortunately she will be getting a belated present. AW. XD i resolute to start studying and stop procrastinating. if i can. i WILL! mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug I had a real good time@3:22 PM
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
today the entire of three-twelve was mentally unsound. we were all so high, and that kind of traumatised miss koh. and then i had my flooberball with me in school today. -yay!- there's no el for this week! woohoO!! i hope miss j can find us some filming projects. it's gonna be so cool and so fun and so nice and so wonderful and so exciting and so interesting and so refreshing and so great!!! haha, i slept throughout lunch. missed some sleep last night as i was doing the finishing touch for camp poster. it's finally done!! yay!!! lols. i think im mentally unsound now. got tuition later but i still feel -ehh i can't walk straight...wobbles..wobbles...flops on the ground and dies- i thought my dad would be gone for only a few months. then when i asked him how long was he going thailand he told me more than a year. nearly flipped. i can't exactly imagine life with my sis driving me to school. won't dare to sleep in the car. XD gotta complete reading the joy luck club. sayonara!! -eugene rocks.- I had a real good time@5:03 PM
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Monday, March 20, 2006
camp was like horrendous, yes, i went for camp. ivan tried to make me pon camp cos of my knee. but i just went anyway. the bath time was simply pathetic and the obstacle courses were traumatising. but at least i managed to complete the rock climbing and the obstacle course which i gave xinhua hell. took me such a long time to step onto the freaking rope and walk. it was so scary!!! got a pretty nice instructor, wayne though. but his minus points are that: 1: he looks like bird alvin 2: he talks like bird alvin 3: he acts like bird alvin 4: he has the same fave phrase as bird alvin: you give me this i smack you 5: he says he lives two blocks away from me. x.x
then the food. the food was okay actually. but the last dinner. blehs.they had my fave veggie. but with WASABI. omg. it was like: urgh. after reaching home, taking a good and SHIOK bath, i flopped onto the bed and slept for fifteen hours straight. woohoo. then today's tuition, math was a total killer man. it was like...so brain killing. but AT LEAST i managed to finish it, and weijie managed to solve the question that made him go: i want to die liao.
at this moment in time i just felt the pus trickle down my knee. ewww. im kinda high today. i actually said " YO!" yo mrs chang. yea. insane.
oh yea, i had a quarrel with this particular person saying eugene was much nicer than him. then next day was camp. and my group name was "Eugene". lols. so now i can openly say "EUGENE ROCKS!! YAY!!!!" i can't act like nothing happened. it was just a moment of "i don't feel like talking to you so i blocked you, just for a moment". but the way you talked to me, the way you asked me to unblock you, it sounded like it was an order. it made me feel so, bushuang. if you're unhappy about it, too bad, you KNOW you are self centered. i didn't have to tell you, you know it. yet why are you still acting like a spoilt brat? i just couldn't stand the way you spoke. if you're unhappy too, wouldn't it be better if we just not talk? it's better than talking and getting more unhappy right? not like you'll die not having someone to crap to. it made my entire camp so moody. since you were the one who said "whatever", why still want me to unblock you then? just let me cool down for a period.
I had a real good time@8:09 PM
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
just camp back from half a retreat. highlights? walking along the er...bridges? by the sea at night. superb. meditating by the beach. super superb. falling down. again. during the morning jog. super super superb playing by the beach for a pathetic half hour but it was nevertheless fun. yay. venerable bodhi's talk was very very very inspiring. her voice is so nice.learnt a lot from her. shall flop onto the bed and sleep now. bye!! don't miss me =]
now that i've woken up, i shall whine more. i hope i can pon all the stupid obstacle courses by saying i have an injury and i can't even walk properly (which is true). it just feels like im walking waith two weird buns attached to my knee. that's the left one. the right one. something relatively interesting happened to it. while doing camp poster my pen dropeed. so i kneeled on the floor and started searching for it. then the old would (the stitched up one) started to bleed "internally", as in, yea[do i make sense? no.]. so i went to poke it and out came the blood gushing. i found it. fun. -.- call me a masochist. but i just wanna whine now. oh, and i forgot to mention on my way home on 969 i saw the field somewhere in punggol on fire. so cool. lol. and the ice coffee was...*slurps* so nice. oh yea, gotta thank maddie for treating my wound with the oh-so-wonderful-antiseptic-that-set-me-hitting-the-floor-and-shouting. oh, and then when we were meditating by the beach, then i think vapour condensed on the wound or sth then there were water droplets on it after i completed my meditation. i just wanna whine and whine and whine and whine and whine non stop,. although i have nth to whine about oh, then sunplaza, the "ah mei" kaya toast or sth like this opened. and there wrote: WANTED! roti prata man. then i started laughing. lols anw, to some people, he IS much much much much much (times a gazillion) nicer than you are. HMPH. [pls do not type a "damn you" in my tagboard again, mister] I had a real good time@3:38 PM
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
i take back my words that i like math. okay, maybe yes when it does not come in excessive amounts, for example, the WONDERFUL miscellaneous excercise dear mrs chang gave us and it was like....61 questions? kill me. i only have about 10+ more question to go though. but i still think i like math. am i making sense?
One entire day of struggle fun with math at lyn's house was relatively fun though. and thanks lyn for you cute valentine's day present. it's VERY early. never the less i shall use it for under-the-table-attacks-to-break-anything-i-want-except-for-anything-belonging-to-your-house-like-ahem-you-know-what. [only lyn will get what i meant.]wahaha. but i got hit on my ear by it which was thrown by qijie, lyn's CUTE bro though. ok, he is adorable, to a certain extent. and a good entertainer. the flobberball [that's what they said it's called but i think i shall just call it an "it"] is really cute and good stress reliever. but it's scary when i open my bag and see two big round eyes staring at me. and sometimes i even wait for it to blink. wth.
ting was ATTEMPTING to turn into one tomato by taking the risk and eat vegetables. nevertheless, she did not turn red, but, her eyes became one big-one-small. like this: O.o ok, i admit[see how honest i am], that's over-exaggerating.
guess what? im gonna bring joy luck club for retreat. hahaha..how hardworking desperate. it's less than twenty four hours to retreat and i can't wait for it!!! [though i haven't even started packing]
i was staring at the "get smileys now!" advertisement pop-up (or is it pop-up advertisement? whatever) then i started wondering whether i would become happy and smiling if i was sad and if i got a smiley. lols.
i'm getting to the song "boyfriend" again. i don't know why. but i just like the dkdc tone in the song. though SOMEBODY claims that ashlee simpson is shouting into the mic. haha....it's like....nine more days to dawn's birthday. then i thought: make her a puzzle. i misss puzzle making. it WAS fun. it contained so much memories..yea..
and i FINALLY managed to remember lyn's number. be touched lyn!! hahaa...
and then again i realised mid years are only one and a half months away. kill me. on the bright side, it's only one and a half month to my birthday. -beams and grins- XD. im high. apparently.
if you're getting tired at this point in time, i suggest that you stop reading, because i'm going to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk non stop just like how i can laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh non stop because i won't get to touch the computer for the next five days.
i think the sun block doesn't suit me. it causes pimples. or rather, those you2 pao4 thingys. or isit just because im having a oil bubble [direct translation] outburst? no!!! i don't want!!! wahhh!!! -please pardon my craziness. blame the maths questions if you want. don't blame me. THEY drove me mad. so it's NOT my fault. SHOO!!!-
i don't want to go for adventure camp!!! WAHHH!!! -whines- adventure camp. AC. NO!!! what right does it have to share the same initials as advent children? nooooooo!!!!! -no!! mummy! no!! sue the school! they can't insult Advent Children LIKE THAT!!! no!! MUMMYYY~~~!- *you did not see anything. scrub off the memory. you DID NOT, listen, you DID NOT see that.now shut your eyes and move on to the next stanza paragraph*
yay!!! i found the song "My anata"..now i am in love with it. over with "boyfriend" already. say that im fickle minded. ME NO CARE!! -ok, i shall quit acting cute- i do not care, i WANT to be fickle minded and you shall not do anything about it. HUMPH!!! but it's really a nice song. haha.
actually this post is NOT that long. it's only 600+ words. haha...i shall nto crap any longer. because i am speechless already...bye!!! I had a real good time@7:59 PM
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Monday, March 13, 2006
after signing in i have no idea why, i started grinning at the computer. grin as in, really happy, grin. point is i have no idea why i was so happy. there's something really wrong with me. XD and then i started crying. what bullshit I had a real good time@9:19 PM
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had a bad night yesterday. couldn't get to sleep cos stomach was feeling like..bloaty. then woke up to nibble on haw slices. so nibble nibble nibble. burp. vomit. (had to run from living room to toilet and made a big disgusting mess) then cleaned the mess up and finally managed to feel better. lol. haven't vomitted for a long time. -.- I had a real good time@1:13 PM
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
now i love nan hua even more. the first mid year paper (ie, paper ones) begin on my birthday. that does not mean i am not getting presents okay... *hint hint people....people!!* and then the first paper 2 starts on May Fifth, my chio bro's birthday (although i have nothing to be sad about) and the last paper ends on my dad's birthday, but i think he'll still be in thailand. but the point is it starts on my birthday!!! WAHH!!! lols. i shall stop whining. i made use of like..four hours to type this post. (in between doing camp poster). i really like maths, and i ain't running a high fever that's like..40 degrees...my temperature is very normal. filming yesterday was relatively boring. had to retake so many times. and that chua en lai guy was a joker by nature. haha lols, shall sign off now. I had a real good time@8:49 PM
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
i'm starting to complain. i'll be busy like a headless chicken this march holidays. to think i would be like...sleeping for the whole week? [make it hibernating]. then i'll only have two pathetic free days left of my holidays.
Sat: filming for "My Sassy Neighbour 2" in school, then off for sbmy weekly sharing Sunday: free. Monday: present buying for March and April babies Tuesday: Free. Wednesday: March retreat Thursday: March retreat Friday: Adventure camp Saturday: Adventure camp Sunday: Adventure camp.
and what's so wonderfully lovely is that holiday homework and projects are already starting to pile up, as high as the himalayas. and i have no idea why the school is so freaking brainless to set the adventure camp from like, friday to sunday, and then we'll go back to school oh-so-happy-and-refreshed-after-the-oh-so-enjoyable-and-wonderful-camp-headed-by-hairy-thomas!! and what's so wonderful is that retreat actually clashes with adventure camp. disgusting. and i think i'll return home roasted[sun block lotion!!im getting a container of them!!]. maybe i can start digging a grave for my voice too.
how much i love nanhua and my two plaits.
i am like. afraid of adventure camp? basically due to one simple reaso have to do those obstacle courses and what not. and apparently im freaking afraid of heights.well some people who once attempted to push me to the glass panels and make me look down in the library oughtta be aware of that.
wonder which guy got through the audition for "my sassy neighbour".
i think my brain is getting fused.[no,wait.maybe it already is fused. already starting to decompose, i suppose.] im starting to fall in love with maths, chem and physics.
i'm PLANNING to complete my chinese assignment after this. so i'm trying to prolong this post as long as i can.
i'm like..high on the post now. but in school my mouth was practically sealed up like a ziplock bag then stitched up with some titanium thread or something. miracle huh? but here i am blabbering one big chunk of alienated bullshit and boring people out. (yay!! people are bored to death!! YAY!!!!)
i think i'd better do my chinese. =.= I had a real good time@8:22 PM
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
school was relatively okay. as usual. mr yeo is so. gao3 xiao4. i can't believe i've completed math and physics. got tuition later.=] i shouldn't. i realised every single time i make a decision, i will en dup telling myself: haiz, why did i do this. i shouldn't have. this time there's not much difference, here i tell myself, why was i there? i shouldn't have been. shouldn't. because every single time i en dup getting myself hurt. haix. I had a real good time@4:05 PM
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Monday, March 06, 2006
today. basically.... lyn and i went high on flowers and butterflies and what not. just insane. yea. insane. maybe sugar-high. too much chocolates. yea. i think so. geog was fun. i think. it was. physics. XD. full of laughter and disability to sit properly. lol. lit was disappointing. it pulled up my msg so much. oh well. tuition. absorbed a lot. finally. im still sad that all my math marks were lost due to carelessness. that one point for ss too. newer draft for camp poster. waiting for it to be rejected.... and i looked back and thought : i don't think there'll be much change anyway. it should be like that. just give up. forget it. who cares. hang on tight, i tell myself, hang on tight. let it come, let it go... just like the rain.
I had a real good time@8:17 PM
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Saturday, March 04, 2006
YAY!! i finally found my gameboy!!!! YAY!!!!! I had a real good time@9:47 PM
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very tired, close to flopping onto the desk today for sbmy we had games, a lot of games. the first game was pretty lame. before scoring, the girls had to shout "im a lesbian" while the guys gotta shout "im a gay". was total un-enthu during this game. guess was still half in my sleep. then the second game--girls only game. played like some psychopath. guess i got high. somehow. i don't know how. then went to j8 with fio, maddie and viv. kinda burnt out by the time i finished eating. oh well... today was basically fun. though coli pangsehed me. march holidays..kinda unplanned, retreat...AC...homework.... *flops n dies sleeps*
O levels seem so far yet so near. two months passed in the blink of an eye. just a few more months to oral. waahhhhh.... -.- getting stressed up. again.
think im gonna start crying abt camp poster. call me a cry babay. whatever. I had a real good time@7:40 PM
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outcome of ponning road run: relatively okay, i suppose. haix. and then, sleeping too much and got up at like....8 am today so decided to make some chocs. mom didn't allow charmaine to come cos she wont be at home. suppose she's worried we might flame her kitchen up. I had a real good time@10:12 AM
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Friday, March 03, 2006
completed the second camp poster. cooler. but not as nice. hais. gonna do another one with liwei's background. not today though. do until im close to smashing my comp monitor with my keyboard... and i spent like....3hours editing the sbm logo itself. -.- haix. anyway. think it's gonna be rejected. wasn't well done. no inspiration. =( darn shag. waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. -why am i whining. i don't know- screwing up life, isolation seems to be the best solution anyway. look who's talking, really, who isn't the one prioritising.haix.
I had a real good time@8:30 PM
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Wahhhhhhhhhhh.. the first time i'm getting so stressed over photoshopping! i've done e camp poster. it's not hip. it's not warm. it's not cool. it's VINTAGE!!! i have no freaking idea how the hell did i get so inspiration-less i resorted to vintage style! [oh well, to give myself some comfort, vintage style's in fashion nowadays.] Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! xiong's online but away. wencai is online. *bites lips and shivers.* don't dare to send to wencai. -.- i can't believe im tearing outta stress while waiting the fiile to be fully transferred to xiong. how lousy can i get. then i don't dare to see xiong's reply. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ok. he likes it. *phew* WAHH!!! im still scared of wencai. oh. WHATEVER!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! my muscles are aching like siao and i can hardly walk. mrs choong is so nice to treat running 400m relays as a GAME. ha. very very drained today. no idea why. even downing coffee doesn't help. and for once, i think. mrs chang is actually nice. lols.
im high. nights! I had a real good time@9:57 PM
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yours truly
duck federation
nan hua high school
english drama club
singapore buddhist mission youth